Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Trouble in New Jersey

Times are tough. Economic decay, fading jobs, debt addicted governments led by corrupt politicians have us on a road to nowhere.

New Jersey is Exhibit A. The Garden State has a rich history of relentless rot. Overwhelming debt festers. Leadership is required.

Chris Christie was elected Governor in 2010. As US Attorney he built a reputation as a corruption fighter. A bombastic style played perfectly to a clamoring mob of disgruntled voters. Over-the-top approval ratings resulted.

That was then; this is now. The Atlantic City rescue mission is a disaster. Pie-in-the-sky revenue projections for online gambling crash. Economic recovery flounders. A new budget bursts. Scandal percolates.

Someone once said, "When the going gets tough; the tough get going." Chris Christie's flair for fund raising insures that his bags are perpetually packed. New Jersey is on a road to nowhere.

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